Okay, this might not earn me any new friends, but I just have to say it: People who complain about taking care of one baby have no idea how easy they have it.
For reasons I will explain later, Finley had to spend the night in the hospital last night. We knew this was coming, so Matt and I decided I'd take the day shift with Fin at the hospital and Matt would stay with him at night. So that meant I'd be home with August all night and into the morning alone. (Our night nurse currently doesn’t work Wed. nights)
As the day approached, I was a bundle of nerves. I debated whether or not to ask my dad to drive in from Palm Springs to help me take care of August. I've been alone with both babies for a few white-knuckled hours at a time, but this would be at least 16 hours of just us two. Yikes!
August can really scream – especially when he's hungry. And I am so sleep-deprived that I literally feel dizzy almost all day, every day, like I am walking around on a ship swaying side-to-side. Usually Matt is here in solidarity with me as we stumble through the haze of 2 a.m. feedings. Would I be able to keep it together by myself all night? Would August come out unscathed? Would I?
Well, I have my answer and I'm here to tell you that the last 12 hours have been like a vacation. I feel like I've been getting a massage on the beach in Hawaii. Sure, August ate at 11:30 p.m., 2:30 a.m. and again at 6:30 a.m. Yes, he yelled bloody murder while I warmed up his bottle up and he got fussy for no clear reason right before bed. But so what – it was only one baby!
My life has become about the physical and mental act of balancing two babies who both want to be soothed, held, fed, changed and entertained at the same time. Taking care of one baby is like juggling one ball – just plain easy. Mostly.
This morning after his 6:30 a.m. feeding, August went back to bed. I took a shower and shaved my legs. Seriously, I had time for personal grooming. I made coffee and oatmeal and was able to consume both!
When August woke up around 8 a.m., I waltzed into his room and cooed to him, "Good morning, August. Good morning!" He grunted and half smiled. I rubbed his tummy and picked him up as sun streamed into the room. I held him to me and nuzzled his neck. In return … he spit up all over the front of my shirt. So much for my vacation.
Hi Marla - Congratulations on your twins! I know it's incredibly intense right now, but I promise, it will get easier. Someday soon your 2 little ones will have each other to play with and they won't need your attention 24/7, and then you will be able to laugh at those of us who could only do the boot camp of babyhood with one :) In the meantime, wishing you all the best!!