Yesterday was another one of those "Will this be The Day?" days. But once again, it was not.
Our fetal specialist Dr. S -- who has previously scared the shit out of me and Matt with his dire predictions for our babies -- has completely changed his demeanor since we made it to 32 weeks. Now, he acts jovial and relaxed during our visits. He laughs and seems nonchalant about the babies' health. Yesterday, he playfully showed us an alarmingly loud buzzer that is used to wake up babies in utero who are not being active enough. Our babies are plenty active, but Dr. S just wanted to show us the buzzer for fun.
As usual, I got hooked up to the fetal heart monitor. (See photo to the left) The boys were sluggish at first, but then became super active. They bounced around causing the sensors to make seismic-like squiggles on the heart monitor paper. Dr. S said the "kids," as he calls them, "look beautiful on the monitor."
Their blood flow continues to be fine. Their amniotic fluid is normal. It's almost like I am a normal pregnant lady now. Almost. Yes, my babies – at least one of them – will go to the NICU for sure. I'm still high risk because I'm having twins. And I spend most of my time in some sort of reclined position.
But I'm otherwise an average bed-resting pregnant lady with sore joints, achy feet, stuffy sinuses and a big belly. Oh, and now I'm also a lady with two car seats in the back of my car and a stroller on the way. It's gettin' real folks.
beautiful! go floaties go!